Support Now
Sometimes you require advice quickly! This is the place where you can speak directly with qualified canine behaviourist Nathan Watson and get that urgently required advice to help you through a difficult situation with your dog or puppy.
What is it?
Support Now is not a replacement for a behavioural consultation, it is here to offer support as quickly as possible, to help keep dogs and people as safe as possible in the immediate time frame, and to minimise the development/progression of inappropriate/unwanted behaviour.
Urgent advice on
- Sudden aggressive behaviour.
- Sudden behaviour change.
- Recently adopted rescue dogs.
- New puppies.
- Choosing a rescue dog.
- Choosing a puppy from a breeder.
- Other dog related topics!
To make use of Support Now. Make the payment of £80 using the account details below, then text Support Now and your name to 07958 042381. You will then be called back personally by Nathan Watson the same day (usually within 3 hours). Support calls are 30 minutes in duration and can be held by phone or video link.
Payment details:
Nathan Watson Dog Behaviour
Sort: 05-06-33
Account: 41031888